Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are We There Yet?

Yesterday, on our drive down South, my son asked this question a handful of times.  At first, I thought, "Oh, how cute."  But then, turned to "I don't know, Jonathan.  Does it look like we're there yet?"  Not nice, I know. 

I started thinking of how many times I think "Are we there yet?" in my life. 

Are we there yet?  Definitely in the car on long trips, but also, during my runs with Heather.  Are we there yet?  20 miles sounds so long and difficult and believe me it is.  Around mile 4 you start to think "Man, I still have 16 miles to go.  16!"  

During the work day, at 9:00 a.m.  Are we there yet?  6 hours to go. 

Important events on my calendar: birthdays, anniversaries, doctor appointments, holidays. 

I am constantly looking forward and thinking, "Are We There Yet?"

Then, there is that ever present secondary question, "When Will We Get There?" 

"Are We There Yet"  and "When Will We Get There"

I can't help but feel how these correlate with the Gospel.  I keep looking forward to that day when I have reached my eternal goal and can meet with my Savior and have him hug me and say "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."   But not necessarily asking relentlesly "when".  It will happen when it will happen. 

In the mean time I am pressing forward and try to enjoy the scenery from my car window. 

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